Join NICHI, ensure a URN strategy brings meaningful change
NICHI is positioned to support the federal government's commitment to develop a National URN Indigenous Housing Strategy and create Canada's first-ever National Indigenous Housing Centre. NICHI will play a vital role in Canada's housing landscape through the development of a national Urban, Rural and Northern strategy and the administration of grants, loans and supports to Indigenous housing providers and service agencies.
Now is the time for us to come together, to ensure traditional knowledge is mobilized to change our future. Members, partners and allies support the URN Declaration. They see the value of standing together to gain strength in a collective voice to access badly needed funding. Become a member. Show you want culturally appropriate support that is For Indigenous By Indigenous.
National Urban, Rural, and Northern Indigenous Housing Coalition Declaration Signatories
Indigenous-governed, Indigenous-led organizations can join the Indigenous coalition at any time by endorsing the National Urban, Rural, and Northern Indigenous Housing Coalition Declaration.
Read the Declaration
As a part of this declaration, the signatories agree to the following action items:
- Incorporate a national URN Indigenous housing entity to achieve collective goals, manage and control allocated funds that will be used towards providing housing and housing supports for Indigenous peoples;
- Collaborate with one another through the national organizational structure to provide housing for URN Indigenous peoples;
- Work together to compile research, develop communications strategies with respect to advancing the URN housing strategy;
- Jointly identify, develop, and advocate priority initiatives that the signatories mutually agree upon;
- Acknowledge the need for partnerships with governments, municipalities and Indigenous governments and other parties to benefit the provision of housing for URN Indigenous peoples; and
- Make decisions jointly with partner organizations where collectively agreed upon.
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