It determined a “For Indigenous, By Indigenous” (FIBI) Strategy is required over and above the National Housing Strategy already announced in November 2017 and includes the following key actions:
- Incorporate a national URN Indigenous housing entity to achieve collective goals, manage and control allocated funds that will be used towards providing housing and housing supports for Indigenous peoples;
- Collaborate with one another through the national organizational structure to provide Housing for urban, rural, and northern Indigenous peoples;
- Work together to compile research, develop communications strategies with respect to advancing the urban, rural, and northern housing strategy;
- Jointly identify, develop and advocate priority initiatives that the coalition signatories mutually agree upon;
- Acknowledge the need for partnerships with governments, municipalities and Indigenous governments and other parties to benefit the provision of Housing for urban, rural, and northern Indigenous peoples; and
- Make decisions jointly with partner organizations where collectively agreed upon.
Vision, Mission & Values
All Indigenous people across Canada will have access to supports and services that provide safe, affordable, secure and dignified housing.
Provide lasting solutions that increase access to affordable housing and end homelessness for Indigenous people living in urban, rural and northern areas through research, advocacy, partnerships and supporting housing providers in the building of homes.
Relationships: We acknowledge that every community and every project is unique. We seek to collaborate and support each community from a place of trust, transparency and respect.
Partnership: We build the community & achieve success through partnerships founded on integrity, trust and reciprocity, establishing relationships that are transformative, believing that knowledge is relational and connected to all creation.
Respect: We respect & celebrate diverse Indigenous communities by recognising their knowledge, traditions, teachings, worldview and way of being thereby ensuring all Indigenous voices are heard including Elders, women, children, LGBTQ2S+ and Persons with Disabilities.
Inclusivity: We affirm the worth of all Indigenous peoples and capitalise on the richness inherent in our differences seeking to develop and sustain relationships rooted in respect, trust and dignity.
Accountability: We act with integrity, holding one another responsible for achieving our Vision and adhering to our guiding principles.
Leadership: We lead by example, finding new ways to serve the interests of Indigenous housing and housing support providers.
Collaboration: We work together through this coalition to ensure the well being of Indigenous peoples and our lands.
Service: We serve the Indigenous housing & support service providers, working with them in achieving their goals and sharing knowledge in a respectful way.

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Board of Directors

Jocelyn Formsma
National Association of Friendship Centres

Gary Wilson
Aboriginal Housing Management Association

Laurent Odjick
Société immobilière du Regroupement des centres d'amitié autochtones du Québec

Georgina Brass
Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Housing Authority Inc.

Sidney Peters
Chief of Glooscap First Nation

Holly Hughes
Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services (OAHSSC)

Angela Bishop
Camponi Housing Corporation

Juanie Pudluk
Nunavut Construction Corporation

Robert Byers
Namerind Housing Corporation

Marvin Aubichon
Gabriel Housing Corporation

David Seymour
M`akola Housing Society

Jennifer Houle-Famakinde
Metis Calgary Family Services Society
Nichi Team

Chief Executive Officer
John Gordon

Director of Business Operations
Danielle Cognigni

Executive Assistant
Jennifer Simpson

Manager, Regional Funding
Billie Metz

Jr. Policy Analyst
Shannon Michaud

Financial Officer
Danielle Ducharme

Communications and Public Relations Coordinator
Christina Gervais

Administrative Assistant
Kim Caldbick

Regional Funding Advisor
Georgette Nicolas

Regional Funding Advisor
Tara Watson

Regional Funding Advisor
Heidi Bungay

Regional Funding Advisor
Olive Williams