NICHI represents Indigenous housing providers across the country

The National Indigenous Collaborative Housing Inc. (NICHI) exists to uphold and advance housing as a human right for all Indigenous Peoples living in urban, rural and northern communities from coast-to-coast-to-coast. NICHI is built on a principle of cooperation and coordination of expertise amongst members, partners, and stakeholders committed to ensuring that no Indigenous person living off-reserve or away from their home community gets left behind because of where they live. To deliver relevant and appropriate services, NICHI believes the best approach is For Indigenous, By Indigenous.

lodge roof

Extensive Expertise

NICHI’s governance, management and operational structures draws on the strengths that Indigenous service organizations bring to the collaboration. It will roll out a national Urban, Rural, Northern (URN) Indigenous Housing Strategy, convene Indigenous-led housing providers, and fill a gap as a national coordinating mechanism.

In its first round of funding, NICHI established a mobilization process that prioritized those most in need, with housing projects underway in need of support, or almost ready to launch. Selection was be done by a Project Selection Advisory Council of neutral, non-housing providers. Details on successful proponents are available in the media section.

Funding Allocation for Urgent & Unmet Needs

On June 8 2023, the government of Canada announced that it would provide $281.5 million to address the critical need of safe and affordable urban, rural and northern Indigenous housing projects for Indigenous people living away from their traditional communities.

This funding initiative is part of the Government of Canada’s commitment to address the social determinants of health and advance self-determination in alignment with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People articles 21 and 23. Deploying funding through NICHI is part of the Government of Canada’s commitment to moving ahead in the journey towards reconciliation.

In recognition of the need for immediate action, NICHI has delivered this funding through a proposal process for Indigenous-led, non-profit projects that addressed urgent and unmet housing needs of Indigenous Peoples in urban, rural and northern communities.

apartment complex

Housing – a Human Right

NICHI prioritizes housing as a human right and is unified by its goal to achieve a National URN Indigenous Housing Strategy that is fully Indigenous-led. In response to the lack of specific and sufficient federal housing support for the 80+ per cent of Indigenous households living in urban, rural and northern areas without the support of their Nations or cultural community, NICHI advocates for holistic, serviced-based community housing that empowers Indigenous communities.

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)

Indigenous peoples “have the right, without discrimination, to improve their economic and social conditions, including housing (UNDRIP Article 21); the right to housing and other economic and social programmes affecting them, and administer such programmes through their own institutions (UNDRIP Article 23), and; to maintain and strengthen their distinct social and cultural institutions (UNDRIP Article 5).”

ribbon skirt

NICHI’s Principles

In advancing this work, we agree to abide by the following principles:



Respect for each other and upholding self-determination and Indigenous sovereignty. The signatories are autonomous Indigenous organizations that form a coalition to achieve the housing purposes of the coalition;



Through the development of culturally-appropriate housing and services, we support the retention and revitalization of our diverse cultures through our respective cultures and traditions, ways of knowing and being, and respect for the land;



 To be respectful of each other and of all life; and to ensure that housing is provided to all URN Indigenous peoples on an equitable and as needed basis, in an Indigenous holistic manner.

Here for your community

If your community is in need of housing support or services, NICHI is ready to collaborate. Contact:


Sector Support for the National Indigenous Collaborative Housing Inc.

NICHI Membership

Angunasuktiit Hunters

Barren Lands First Nation

Biminaawzogin Regional Aboriginal Women's Circle logo

Biminaawzogin Regional Aboriginal Women’s Circle

Buffalo Narrows Friendship Centre

Camponi logo

Camponi Housing Corp

Cariboo Friendship Centre Society logo

Cariboo Friendship Centre Society

Central Urban Metis Federation Inc

Congress of Aboriginal Peoples logo

Congress of Aboriginal Peoples

Dinjii Zhuh Solutions

Dreamcatcher Housing Ltd.

Fort St John Native Housing Society

Fort St John Native Housing Society

Gabriel Housing Corporation logo

Gabriel Housing Corporation

Hiawatha First Nation

High Level Native Friendship Centre Society

Hotinohsioni Inc Brantford Native Housing logo

Hotinohsioni Inc Brantford Native Housing

HFHC logo

Huronia Family Housing Co-operative Inc.

Kamloops Native Housing Society logo

Kamloops Native Housing Society

Kolopehtuwan logo

Kolopehtuwan-Mip (Turning Leaf Foundation)

Lu’ma Native Housing Society logo

Lu’ma Native Housing Society

Mamele'awt Qweesome Housing Society logo

Mamele’awt Qweesome Housing Society

Manitoba Inuit Association logo

Manitoba Inuit Association

Manitoba Keewatinowi logo

Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak

Meadow Lake Native Urban Housing Corp logo

Meadow Lake Native Urban Housing Corporation

Metis Calgary Family Services Society logo

Metis Calgary Family Services Society

Mi'kmaw Native Friendship Centre logo

Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre

Nahanni Butte Dene Band Logo

Nahanni Butte Dene Band

Napi Friendshsip Association

National Indigenous Women’s Housing Network (NIWHN)

Native Inter-Tribal Housing Co-operative logo

Native Inter-Tribal Housing Co-operative

Native People of Thunder Bay Development logo

Native People of Thunder Bay Development Corporation

New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council

Newfoundland Indigenous Peoples Alliance

Nishnawbe Aski Nation

Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services logo

Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services

Oonuhseh Niagara Native Homes Inc.

Pairijiit logo

Pairijiit Tigummiaqtikkut

Poundmaker’s Lodge Treatment Centre

Qalipu First Nation

Sacajawea Non Profit Housing logo

Sacajawea Non Profit Housing

Silver Sage Housing logo

Silver Sage Housing Corporation

Skigin Elnoog Housing Corp logo

Skigin-Elnoog Housing Corporation

Société immobilière du Regroupement des centres d'amitié autochtone du Québec (SIRCAAQ) logo

Société immobilière du Regroupement des centres d’amitié autochtone du Québec (SIRCAAQ)

Sun Housing Inc.

Tawaak Housing Association Logo

Tawaak Housing Association

Aboriginal Coalition to end Homelessness

The Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness

The Pas Friendship Centre logo

The Pas Friendship Centre

Tillicum logo

Tillicum Lelum Aboriginal Friendship Centre

Zhahti Koe Friendship Centre

Join our Membership

For Indigenous housing organizations

A Member is defined as an Indigenous Housing Group. “Indigenous Housing Group” means an urban, rural, or northern Indigenous organization providing housing services in any province or territory of Canada.

Eligibility Criteria (proof is required below):

  1. Indigenous-led organizations in urban, rural and northern areas of Canada. We define Indigenous-led organizations as:
    • Board and Executive leadership is over 50% Indigenous.
    • Organization serves one or all of the three distinct Indigenous populations in your community or region, i.e. First   Nation, Inuit or Métis.
  2. Non-Profit
  3. Housing Group as providing at least one of the following:
    1. Supportive Services
    2. Transitional/ Supportive Housing
    3. Non-market Housing
    4. Affordable Housing

Please download the application form, then submit your completed application and organization's logo (.jpg file) to:

You will receive an email confirmation once your application has been reviewed for approval.

Wider sector support for the National Indigenous Collaborative Housing Inc.

Support for NICHI

3D Printed Homes Corporation logo

3D Printed Homes Corporation

Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa logo

Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa

Acori logo


BC Non-Profit Housing Association logo

BC Non-Profit Housing Association

Big Block logo

Big Block Construction

Brockville Streetfriends logo

Brockville Streetfriends

Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness logo

Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness

Canadian Centre for Housing Rights logo

Canadian Centre for Housing Rights

Canadian Housing and Renewal Association Association/ canadienne d'habitation et de rénovation urbaine logo

Canadian Housing and Renewal Association Association/ canadienne d’habitation et de rénovation urbaine

Capasiti Consulting logo

Capasiti Consulting Inc

Central City Foundation logo

Central City Foundation

Choices Management Services logo

Choices Management Services

Citizens for Public Justice logo

Citizens for Public Justice

Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada / Fédération de l'habitation coopérative du Canada logo

Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada / Fédération de l’habitation coopérative du Canada

Corporation de développement des Premiers Peuples logo

Corporation de développement des Premiers Peuples

Corporation de développement des Premiers Peuples logo

Corporation de développement des Premiers Peuples

Covenant House Vancouver logo

Covenant House Vancover

Eastmain Youth Council logo

Eastmain Youth Council

Efficiency Canada logo

Efficiency Canada

Elemental Infrastructure Logo

elemental infrastructure

End Homelessness St. John's logo

End Homelessness St. John’s

Farber Real Estate Group logo


Gloucester Housing Corporation logo

Gloucester Housing Corporation

Green Arrow Healing Logo

Green Arrow Healing Inc.

Green Violin Logo

Green Violin Community Development Company

Habitat for Humanity Logo

Habitat for Humanity

HelpSeeker Technologies logo

HelpSeeker Technologies

Holistic Healing logo

Holistic Healing & Wellness

Homeward Public Affairs logo

Homeward Public Affairs

Indigenous Link logo

Indigenous Link

ISC logo

Indigenous Services Canada (ISC)

Main Street Project logo

Main Street Project

Manitoba Non-Profit Housing Association logo

Manitoba Non-Profit Housing Association

Mokami logo

Mokami Status of Women Council

Mount Pearl Streetfriends logo

Mount Pearl Streetfriends

Neighbors for Neighbors logo

Neighbours for Neighbours Housing Alliance

North American Legacy Foundation

NunatuKavut logo

Nunatukavut Community Council

Nunavut Association of Non-Profit Organizations logo

Nunavut Association of Non-Profit Organizations

offsite logo

Offsite Focus

Ontario Alliance to End Homelessness logo

Ontario Alliance to End Homelessness

Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association logo

Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association

Peel Alliance to End Homelessness logo

Peel Alliance to End Homelessness

Pisim logo

Pisim Cancer Care Centre

PlantIt north Logo

PlanIt North

Pulaarvik Kablu Friendship Centre logo

Pulaarvik Kablu Friendship Centre

Rally Around Homelessness logo

Rally Around Homelessness

Raven logo

Raven Ozhigaa Development Association

Réseau québécois des OSBL d'habitation logo

Réseau québécois des OSBL d’habitation

Seneca logo


Siksika Nation

Sovereign Synergies logo

Sovereign Synergies

Spruce Lab Logo

Spruce Lab, Landscape Architecture and Planning

SCP logo

Street Culture Project

Summers & Co. Logo

Summers & Co

Temple Scott Associates logo

Temple Scott Associates

Terra Social Purpose Real Estate logo

Terra Social Purpose Real Estate

The Agency for Co-operative Housing logo

The Agency for Co-operative Housing

The Communitas Group logo

The Communitas Group Ltd.

Tim Welch Consulting logo

Tim Welch Consulting Inc.

Urban Systems logo

Urban Systems

Vancity Community Investment Bank VCIB

White Bear First Nation logo

White Bear First Nations

YWCA Agvik Nunavut Logo

YWCA Agvik Nunavut

Support NICHI

For Wider Sector Support

(for any organization that does not meet the membership eligibility criteria)

Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Investments in affordable housing must include funding for culturally relevant community resources, health services, and education to break the systemic cycle of housing insecurity that has left so many Indigenous families behind